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Truck Emission Data

First, what is the relationship between truck carrier size and the emissions profile of their trucks? In the table below, you can see a clear, decreasing relationship between carrier size and average emissions. This is due to the fact that truck manufacturers are building cleaner trucks over time (as mandated by the EPA) and large carriers buy directly from those manufacturers. Smaller carriers are more likely to buy used equipment and hold onto their trucks longer. With that said, there are tens of thousands of small carriers with clean trucks!

Second, is a plot of the market-wide emissions profiles of trucks over time. Average truck emissions have dropped dramatically from 10 to 15 years ago, reflecting these cleaner trucks being on the road. The key for shippers is to know which carriers operate these cleaner trucks and utilize them to reduce the emissions in their supply chains. Simply by selecting cleaner carriers, shippers can reduce their


FSI scores simplify carrier selection among 400,000+ options. Regardless of fleet size, each carrier has an individual CO2 emission rating.





Sustainable Logistics
Post by Sustainable Logistics
March 21, 2024